Holistic development in
Forest School

Forest School Philippines is not only focused on a learner’s intellectual ability as most traditional schools do, but provides experiences and activities to impact the whole person.

As a whole person, your child grows in these areas : physical, intellectual, language, emotional, social, spiritual.


The forest provides space for your child to run, climb, jump, pick up, twirl, dance.  Through movement and motor skills, your child masters and strengthens his body.


Yes, something happens when a child plays. Pair that with being in nature, and your child’s brain is being wired for creative thinking and complex problem solving.


Your child can communicate and express his wonder and ideas through words.


There will be situations where your child will feel frustrated, mad, confused. In forest school, he will recognize his own feelings and that of others; when he masters his emotions, he masters himself.


Your child will be surrounded with friends of mixed ages. The friendships will allow him to share common interests, learn how to set boundaries, negotiate, and understand that others have different perspective than him.


Being out in nature, your child will awe and wonder, and have a sense of place in the vastness of this life.

When each of these areas are addressed, your child can then link his experiences to the real world. What you’ll have is a

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